SPP - Website
The project: The Society of Pension Professionals (SPP) is a respected and authoritative representative body, bringing together a diverse array of providers offering guidance and services to pension schemes, trustees, and employers. Our mission revolves around leveraging the collective expertise of our extensive membership to create a positive impact on pension scheme members, the broader pensions industry, and its stakeholders.
The Idea: Our primary goal was to design a user-friendly website that caters to SPP's extensive community, comprising over 15,000 pension professionals. This platform is tailored to enable members to achieve their annual 25 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) by participating in a vibrant events program, including their Annual Conference where they can log their CPD hours in a user dashboard. The website also serves as a hub to promote speaking opportunities, highlight their committees that bring together more than 120 pension professionals, and showcase their active engagement with politicians, policy makers, regulators, and other industry influencers. Furthermore, we offer a wide range of development opportunities for early-career professionals, ultimately raising their profile and expanding our membership.
The Execution: To maintain continuity with the SPP brand, we retained our existing colour scheme but introduced a more professional and industry-specific feel. User experience was a top priority, ensuring that information is easily accessible, allowing members to dedicate most of their time to learning. The website automatically records CPD hours, simplifying the process. Our site is a custom-designed, responsive WordPress platform, tailored to meet the unique needs of our diverse and dynamic community.